Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

  • N. Champagnat is a member of the ANR MANEGE and MODECOL (see Section  7.1.1 ).

  • S. Herrmann, D. Talay and E. Tanré are members of the ANR MANDy (see Section  7.1.1 ).

  • P.-E. Jabin is member of the ANR MONUMENTALG (see Section  7.1.1 ).

  • A. Lejay is a member of the ANR ECRU and SIMUDMRI (see Section  7.1.1 ).

  • D. Talay is the Vice-President of the Fondation d'Entreprise Natixis which aims to contribute to develop research in quantitative finance.

    He also serves as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation, jointly with M. Crouhy (Président, Natixis), N. El Karoui (École Polytechnique), R. Gibson (Université de Genève), P.-L. Lions (Collège de France), J.-P. Laurent (Université Claude Bernard, Lyon).

  • D. Talay is a member of the Scientific Committee of the AMIES Agency aimed to promote interactions between Mathematics and Industry.